The Unity Of Ants |  Short smut stories

The Unity Of Ants |  Short smut stories

A snake lived in a hole near a tree in a dense forest. The snake eats the eggs of frogs, ducks and birds.

After sleeping for a day and hunting at the right time at night for a few days then the snake grows large. So that snake could not go into the hole of that near the tree.

So it decided to move to a new home. While looking for a new house, the snake saw that there was a big hole in the tree nearby.

ants Short smut stories

But there was a group of ants under that tree. The snake came to the side of the tree and said, “From now on I will be in this tree, and you will all leave this place immediately.”

All the beasts and birds that were there were so frightened. But ants didn’t get scared. It is a group that has built up a good pace by the unity of those ants.

The Unity Of Ants Short smut stories

So all the ants moved forward in unity and courage and began to attack the snake by biting and the snake ran away from the place due to the unbearable pain caused by the ant bite.

There was no way to get to that place after that. Since then all the animals and birds have been very happy.


Unity is strength.

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