James the Saver | Moral story

James the Saver | Moral story

Antony, he became rich in famine. He had an innocent servant named ‘James’. No matter what James does, Antony does level tapping and starts complaining to James for his activities. 

“Boss! Just as A little string will tie a little bird, see one day this madman will help you,” said james.

Antony said that he would  see that too.

One day, a rowdy named Robert, came in search of Antony. 

“Is there Antony?” He asked.

“Who are you?” James asked.

“I don’t need to tell you who I am, Is there Antony?” he shouted.  

By the speed  the rowdy came and the way he shouted angrily made  James suspicious.  Guessing that this man could put our boss in danger, he said, “Boss, is speaking to the commissioner about a main issue. Sit here for five minutes and when they  finished talking I will tell the boss that you have come”, replying that James went into the bungalow.

Rowdy moral story

If Antony is speaking to the commissioner he must be an influential man, and the rowdy Robert gets alert, thinking if he hits Antony  it would trouble him.  Robert ran away without informing anyone. 

Five minutes later, James reached the door, he didn’t see that man Robert and James recognised that he had run away. At that moment, the mobile phone and the landline phone of Antony started ringing.

“Hello.. Is that servant james? Did your boss get smashed by the rowdy we sent?”

“My boss is alright, The man who came ran away,” said james. 

“What are you saying?” asked the person on call. 

James said, “My boss is fine, here he is to speak. James gave Antony  the phone”.


“Hello.. Hello”.

Seeing that there was no response from the opposite side, Antony  asked, “James, to whom were you speaking?  Why did the call get cut off when I spoke?”

“It’s nothing else, boss. They had sent someone named Robert to beat you.”


“I don’t know, a man named Robert came.”

“Where is that guy?”

“I sent away that man.”


“To that man, I lied that you are speaking to the commissioner. Then when I was about to call you I entered the  house and watched for five minutes. The man who came had run away in five minutes.” 


“Who spoke to you on the phone call ?”

“One of your partners who got separated from your business,” said james. 

“What did he ask you?”

He asked “The man we sent would have put your boss down!”

“What did you say?”

“That’s right!  Here my boss is, I gave you the phone you got to talk,” said James.

“Fortunately, you  saved me from the enemy. Like ‘A little string will tie a little bird’. You have proved that what you said this madman will help you one day.” 

“I will never call you a madman, thanks for saving me,” said Antony  and hugged James in love.

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