Fox And The War Drum | Good Stories To Tell
Once upon a time there was a fox in a forest. It was so lazy and old. He doesn’t even look for his own food. When the other young foxes run away and catch their prey, this fox chases them away and eats the prey. All the other young foxes were very angry at this.
The other young foxes decided to get rid of this old fox somehow. No fox is as big as this old one. So no one alone could resist it.
“The old fox gives us so much trouble,” said one of the foxes.“Yes. If we try and catch the prey, it willcome and pick it up.” said another.
“I have an idea. We have to keep the pattern within ourselves and catch the prey. When a fox among us eats prey, other foxes must prevent the old fox from coming close to the prey. If we all come together, it will not be able to oppose us.” said the third fox.
The other young foxes started to follow up their plan. Now a days the old one is not able to snatch prey from other foxes. They all together attacked it and chased him out of the place.
Also, they did not even allow the old fox to hunt in that part of the forest.
The Sad old fox left the place. It roamed the rest of the forest, in the distance.
Eventually it reached the border of the forest. “I need to find food quickly. Otherwise I would die,” he thought.
While wandering around, the old fox saw a battlefield where the war was over. Suddenly he heard a huge sound, “Dum, dum.” The old fox got scared and ran into the woods very quickly. After walking a little distance he stood and looked round. Still heard that sound.
But, the sound came from a distance. “I must boldly go ahead and find out where that terrible noise is coming from,” he decided.
The old fox slowly made his way to the battlefield. It moved forward, along with the fear throughout its chest. Once it reached there, it was relieved. There was a war drum under the tree at that place. He realized that when the wind blew, the lower branch of the tree made a loud noise when it hit the drum.
The fox was overjoyed to see a lot of food items scattered near the battlefield. He got enough food to fill his stomach.
The fox thought to himself, “If I ran away hearing the huge sound, I might have missed that delicious food, and I would have been a big fool.”
Justice: Get rid of fear, have faith and move forward.