Sand writing | friendship story | short story

Sand writing | friendship story | short story

There were two friends Coban and Soban. They decided to travel to a pilgrimage through a desert. Coban was from a rich family and Soban belonged to a poor family. 

Coban had a arrogance that he is a rich boy, but Soban was kind hearted and a true friend. 

Coban always taps the poverty level of Soban, incase Soban was loveable and never gives up Coban in front of anyone. So they both decided to start their travel towards pilgrimage. 

The heavy sunlight and the widened sand made their travel much harder and made them tired. They both shared the food and water that they had carried with them. 

Coban had irritation on sharing his food and water along with Soban. So he started to drink water and eat the food alone without sharing with Soban. 

Soban didn’t get angry when he found out that Coban is cheating him. There was a palm tree in a place in the desert. 

sand write short story
sand write

Soban ran and picked up all the fallen fruit, and Coban snatched it up and said it was all his own. 

Soban asked for the fruit saying that, “you ate the food and drank all the water without sharing it with me” now I’m very hungry so give me back those fruits I picked up. 

On hearing that, Coban got angry and shouted at Soban asking, “Are you saying that I am cheating you?.” At the peak of anger Coban slapped Soban and Soban got his nose broken and bleeding. 

At that moment, they both got seperated and started waking alone on seperate ways. Soban began to walk away in pain and humiliation, writing in the desert sand that today his friend Coban had beaten him. 

Coban couldn’t walk as he had no  food and water. Soban was also starving with hunger.  The two walked separately and wandered without water. 

Tongues dried up and wandering in search of water. Coban saw a small water leak at one point and ran to try to get some water.  

stone write short story
stone write

Suddenly he got remembered about Soban, and Coban felt guilty for hurting his friend Soban. Coban shouted loudly for Soban to come back. 

Soban heard the voice and ran towards him. He was surprised to see that there was enough water for a person to drink.

Only one person can drink the water in it, said Coban and he asked Soban to drink the water. Immediately in thirst, Soban drank the water completely and hugged his friend and thanked him. The two began to walk together.

On a stone Soban wrote that, “today my friend Coban did me a great help.” Coban asked him that I slapped you and you wrote it on sand and why the help I did is written on stone. 

Soban replied that, “The problems and fight between friends should fade away soon but, the help should always be remembered.” The writing he wrote on sand will get faded as soon the wind blows, but the writing in stone will remain forever. 

This is an Arabic story. No man in the world is alone. His actions, hatred and anger isolate him. All we need to look for in life is not money but good friends.

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