The Cat and The Fox Story

The Cat and The Fox Story

Once there lived a fox and a cat. They both sat together and were talking in the evening. The fox told, “I don’t like those wild dogs, they are very cruel and cunning”. The cat also replied that, “I too don’t like them” said the cat. 

The fox said, “even though the wild dogs run so fast they cannot catch me, because I have a lot of tricks and ways to escape from them”. “Tricks and ways?, can you please tell me those tricks” asked the cat. 

The fox said listen, “I will run so fast, I will hide along the bushes, I will run along the cactus so that they can’t catch me said the fox with over proud.”

The cat said, sadly “I know only one way to escape from the wild dogs”. At that time they heard the noise of wild dogs arriving.

The cat said, “I am going to safeguard myself by the only way I have and it climbed on the tree”. It said to the fox that, “You said you have lot of tricks let me know how does your tricks work?”. 

The fox used all the tricks to escape from the wild dogs but it couldn’t get escaped and finally it became prey to those wild dogs. 


It’s always better to find a single useful idea, than having unnecessary and lots of ideas to face a situation.

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