Pleasure and pain are just as they intended | Good moral stories

Pleasure and pain are just as they intended | Good moral stories

If the mind is pure, everything is pure.

As such,

Pleasure and pain will happen just as they intended. There was a merchant named George. He had two daughters named Jane and Claire. He got his daughters married at the correct time.

A few years later he went to see how the two daughters were living.

agriculture Good moral stories

First he went to the house of his eldest daughter Jane. Her husband was a farmer. He wanted to know how happy she was, so he asked Jane, “How is yourlife?.”

She replied, “Father, We are very happy by God’s grace. We have planted paddy in the field. It is the fruiting season. If it rains, a good harvest will take place, we pray to God for good rain within a week.” After hearing this, George  came back to his house.

A few days later, he went to the second daughter, Claire’s home. Claire’s husband had a brick kiln. Claire! He asked “how your life is?”


Dad! We have prepared and dried a large quantity of bricks. The kiln should be potted in a couple of days. We pray to God that it should not rain before the furnace is put out. If it rains, it will cause a huge loss” said Claire. He was thinking about the thoughts of the two daughters.

George  returned to his home saying that God alone should answer this, that people in the world do not have the same thoughts and desires.

One thing that one considers good can be bad for another. One frown is bitter and the other is sweet.

So everyone in the world should not act with public selfishness in any matter. To look after and act with well-being

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